Powerful Presentation Skills & Storytelling

The most powerful contribution that a person makes to society during his or her lifetime are often the thoughts and ideas that he or she communicates. So what is the difference between a good story and a great one? This program will teach you the tools that great storytellers use.

The Objectives of this Learning Program are:

  • Define your personal leadership story and learn how to present more effectively while building trust and collaboration with your clients and team.
  • Identify why do you do what you do and what was your life turning point
  • Structuring your presentations so people can follow you and understand your message better. Learn Spring-boarding, Tour-Guiding and the importance of Book Ends.
  • Developing Content that is concise, credible and clearly understood by your audience.
  • Preparing in advance – great presentations are about preparation and less perspiration. Learn the best practice methods, what to memorize, importance of self care and self awareness
  • Delivering a powerful message and managing your energy. Understanding your tone and pitch and importance of pacing your message.
  • Practice “Power Stances” and mindfulness techniques to make your message delivery more impactful.

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EQinspire Testimonials


“Bobi is one of a kind. She’s a great writer, a great speaker, but most importantly she’s a great person.”

Mac Anderson ~ Founder of Simple Truths and Successories