Reap the benefits of having a success partner and confidant for candid advise, coaching, counsel, and business leadership expertise.

Bobi Seredich, President of EQ Inspirations and Co-Founder of the Southwest Institute for Emotional Intelligence, is now offering a dynamic new service to a select few of her corporate clients, on a retainer basis. Tailored to the demands and goals of Senior Level Leaders, Management and Teams.

What is You Leadership Impact?

Here is What You Can Achieve With the Partnership of a Trusted Advisor:
  • Discovery of your business leadership needs and creation of a customized leadership development program.
  • Understanding opportunities for your leadership growth by identifying strengths and challenges.
  • Creating an engaged and highly motivated, cohesive team ready to set “Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals" (BHAGS).
  • Redefining strategic leadership with effective and adaptable internal/external communication skills and more influential, persuasive presentations.
  • Building a cohesive leadership team – providing better communication skills with your teams, collaboration, and inclusive solutions and uncovering emotional barriers that are holding you and your team back from their highest performance.
  • Defining a clear vision and alignment for a cohesive team around a “code of honor” that drives growth, excellence and innovation.
  • Creating a culture of leaders that embrace change and adapt quickly to new opportunities—leaders who possess energy, wisdom, emotional intelligence and creativity.

The Trusted Advisor is Customized and Targeted for You and Your Team

Which of the following do you prefer?
  • Individual meetings
  • Group meetings
  • Individual or group assessments
  • Remote access

What is the duration of the retainer?
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 12 months
  • 18 months
  • 24 months

Retainer Fee?
  • $2000 to $6000 per month depending on duration of retainer

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EQinspire Testimonials

Courage, Strength, Influence

“Courage Does Not Always Roar is an inspiring and provocative book. A true reminder that in every woman lies extraordinary strength that reveals itself in ordinary, everyday words, feelings and actions. At the Women of Visionary Influence (WOVI) annual conference this book was a big hit. WOVI women not only bought the book for themselves but also as a gift for other women in their lives. Author, Bobi Seredich has vision and influence. She is reaching out to other women with this encouraging, simple and elegant book to help them know that Courage Does Not Always Roar.”

Jolene Blazer ~ WOVI, Dallas, TX